In every stage of storage and transportation, corrosion is a constant, indiscriminate and costly enemy of metal parts.
Metal corrosion is a destructive surface reaction that takes place when there is moisture between oxygen molecules and the metal electrons. This phenomenon leads to the exfoliation of the interested material and to a deterioration of its physical and mechanical characteristics.
Industrial waste treatment up to international standards
Exhaust fumes on time and carbon content as regulated
Do not allow radioactive leakage to the external environment
VCI2000 action.
VCI2000 packaging protects metal thanks to a high-tech chemical compound called VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors) that forms an invisible monomolecular layer of protective ions on the metal surface. This layer provides a complete surface protection against corrosion for ferrous metals, red metals and alloys.
Absolutely safe working environment
Get regular health checkup and 100% labor insurance allowance
The diet of workers ensures hygiene and safety
VCI2000 uniqueness.
VCI2000 packaging protects metal thanks to a high-tech chemical compound called VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors) that forms an invisible monomolecular layer of protective ions on the metal surface. This layer provides a complete surface protection against corrosion for ferrous metals, red metals and alloys.
Absolutely safe working environment
Get regular health checkup and 100% labor insurance allowance